
The 2024-25 Association of Research and Bargaining Professionals (ARBP) Membership Form can be found here. Please complete and pay electronically using Zelle as specified on the form or send with a check payable to ARBP to:

ARBP, Sarah Favinger
New Jersey Education Association
PO Box 1211
Trenton, NJ 08607-1211

Electronic inquiries should be directed to

Eligibility for membership (from Article III, ARBP Constitution)

Active membership shall be open to National Education Association (NEA)-affiliated association staff members who are engaged in the coordination of collective bargaining, research and advocacy activities at the national, state or state regional level.

Associate membership in the Association shall be extended by invitation to individuals provided such invitation has been presented to and voted upon favorably by the ARBP membership at any regular meeting of the Association.

Retired membership is available to former ARBP members who have retired from Association employment or those who were previously members of organizations that merged to form ARBP and who have retired from Association employment. These members shall be permitted to attend and participate in the ARBP conference and workshops upon payment of annual dues and any conference registration fees assessed to other members.

Honorary membership may be awarded in recognition of services to ARBP,
its predecessor organizations, and/or the education profession or to retired ARBP members or its predecessor organizations. The Executive Committee may recommend for membership approval at the annual meeting those candidates considered deserving to be designated as “honorary members.” In addition, members may submit to the Executive Committee nominations for consideration of the honor. Such nominations must be submitted prior to the
annual meeting.

Associate, retired, or honorary members may not vote or hold office in the

Dues (from Article V, ARBP Bylaws)

The dues shall be two hundred ($200) dollars for active members and fifty ($50) dollars for associate members. The membership year shall be September 1 through August 31.